Posted April 9, 2021

Beatrice Magaya, RSHM

The resurrection is all about God showing us the meaning of love. Our founder Fr Gailhac so much wanted us to know this love of God as his beloved daughters. He writes a letter to communities on Easter explaining how to live every day as people who are risen.

“…let us love Jesus Christ. Love is life and true life is love. Love is transformation in Jesus Christ and transformations in him is resurrection …Love God with all your heart and do all for love of him. In a word show that you are truly risen…”(GS26/111/77/A*)

To be risen is to spread the message of hope and love! Dear daughters of Gailhac, how are we supposed to show that we are truly risen in Christ and that we love Him? By doing various works and sharing of our gifts. We are to keep our commitment to live in poverty, chastity and obedience. We have to love, support and help one another as sisters.

Pope Francis expressed that love is the highest expression of our faith. He mentioned that love rejoices in seeing others grow. Love is a leap of the heart; it brings us out of our selves and creates bonds of sharing and communion. Social love makes it possible to advance towards a civilisation of love, to which all of us can feel called. (Fratelli Tutti 183)

During this time of the Covid 19 pandemic, we are called to be beacons of light and wellsprings of life. We should preach the message of hope, faith and mostly love to everyone. We are to be ambassadors of the risen Christ in our world today.

“…may God be blessed in everything,

 everywhere and always.

Whether we live or die we are the Lord’s

…my dear daughters love Christ,

be risen and be transformed in Jesus Christ,

and may this be forever. Alleluia…

I bless you all, your father, Gailhac Superior”(GS11/V/75)


Article in French


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