RSHM at the UN

Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary NGO with special consultative status in the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations since 2013 and with the Department of Public Information  since 2006.


The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary became affiliated with the United Nations in 2006 as a non-governmental organization (NGO) associated with the UN Department of Public Information, extending the influence of the Institute’s mission “That All May
Have Life” to a global level.   In 2013 we applied for and were granted Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC). This gives us an active voice, enabling us to participate in UN sessions and pres
ent written and oral testimony to influence policy as we work for justice on behalf of those who are made poor and marginalized, especially women and children.


Three main ways in which we live out our mission as the RSHM NGO at the UN are through education, participation and advocacy.  We disseminate UN information resources to our members and, through them, to all those we serve. We encourage participation of members through their provincial and regional structures, working in close partnership with the RSHM Justice, Peace, and Integrity of Creation (JPIC) Network to make our presence dynamic and effective at local and global level. We advocate in collaboration with other NGOs  having similar goals to make explicit our preferential options for women and children and the care of the earth within the UN network of international bodies. At this time we aim to be more effectively involved in changing unjust structures in the   areas of human trafficking, the girl child and sustainable development for all, engaging with Agenda 2030 and the Sustainable Development Goals so that all may have Life.



Veronica Brand, RSHM NGO Representative




NEWS FROM THE UN #151  – December 2024

What is climate justice?

Over a period of 10 days in December, the UN International Court of Justice in the Hague held hearings on the obligations of States under international law to combat Climate Change. The hearings were held in response to the UN General Assembly call in 2022 for the global court to issue an Advisory Opinion on the subject in order to clarify responsibility and state liability for loss and damage caused by extreme weather events due to climate change.

For the most recent bulletin from our NGO please click here.