Periodically, we develop statements that express our mission for the context in which we live, and which further articulate “who we are”:
We, the Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary, an international apostolic institute of women religious, are called to share in the life-giving mission of Jesus Christ.
The challenge of the gospel and the spirit of faith and zeal which marked our founders, and our founding sisters, urges to respond to the needs of our time and to work with others in action for evangelical justice. At the same time we place ourselves and our resources at the service of those who are most in need of justice, especially women and children, enabling the powerless, the deprived, the marginalized, the voiceless to work effectively for their own development and liberation.
We are called to be community, to know and celebrate God’s love for us and to make that love known to others.
Mary is our model as we seek to be open to the Spirit, to center our lives in Jesus Christ, to be women of prayer and compassion, and to give authentic a nd joyful witness to the values of the gospel wherever we are.
CALLED TO BE COMMUNITY (1999), excerpt:
Called to community as RSHM, we center our lives in Jesus Christ. . . . We seek God in personal and community prayer and together we listen to the promptings of God’s Spirit present in the Word, in each person, in the community, the Church and the world. . . . We affirm and celebrate one another’s giftedness and welcome the richness of our diversity while always upholding and building unity.
Believing in the interconnectedness of all creation, we commit ourselves to interdependence in community with one another, as an Institute, with all God’s people and with the whole of creation, so that all may have life now and in the future. In solidarity with the poor, the suffering and the excluded, and assuming our prophetic role in the Church and the world, we desire as community to live simply, act justly, use and share our resources responsibly, thus contradicting relationships of injustice in our world.
We are called to listen to the heartbeat of Jesus Christ, whom we encounter personally and as community in every dimension of our lives, and to be women of passion and compassion, impelled to go out to announce the Good News.
We are eager to live out our charism with resilience in the critical times of our Church and world today wherever we are, and to discern our way forward, conscious of emerging challenges, our own Institute reality, and diversity of cultures and gifts.
We are ready to risk the new and the unknown. Aware of our interconnectedness with all creation, we proclaim “fullness of life for all” through the integrity of our lives, our relationships with one another, all peoples, and our planet.
We want to reveal the tenderness of God as we seek to respond to the cries of those on the margins and the Earth.
We collaborate with others as we journey together – women of prophetic hope who proclaim that all have a place in our “common home.”