Become an RSHM

“While in the novitiate, I reflected a lot on our call as RSHM sisters to share in the life-giving mission of Jesus Christ. I am always aware that I need to open my eyes to see where my hand is needed to promote life and dignity. My assignment in Choma [Zambia] has come to me as a blessing. I have experienced the love, support, and encouragement of my community that is so important to me as I begin my religious life as a young sister.” (Margaret M., made her first vows in 2016.)



Our call to religious life, our vocation, is a life-long commitment and consecration to the person and mission of Jesus Christ.

We welcome Catholic women, ages 20 to 35, to consider joining us in this life of commitment to Christ and his mission. Through this life of dedication to God and God’s people you will grow into the person God calls you to be.

Today’s world is looking to us to witness to a strong faith in the message of the Christian Gospel and a spirit of enthusiasm in putting that message into action in areas of the world where it is most needed. This means that we are open to peoples of all races and cultures in the community of our human family.

Internationality is a gift within our Institute. We embody different cultures, backgrounds, languages, talents and experiences. What we hold in common is a shared mission which is expressed in our Constitutions: “To know God and make God known, to love God and make God loved and to proclaim that Jesus Christ has come in order that all may have life.” (RSHM Constitutions #7)

Our shared mission is expressed in a wide variety of ministries that respond to the most urgent needs of our time. Our life is shared in community with our Sisters.

Contact information of our Directors of Vocation:

Brazil:Irmã Cristina Caetano. E-mail:; 

Mexico: Hermana Julia Trejo:;

Mozambique: Irmã Izaura  Paulino Invarua:; 

Portugal: Isabel Grangeon:; U.S. (East) Sister Anna Maria Lionetti:; 

U.S. (West): Vocations:;

Zambia, Zimbabwe: Sister Beatrice Magaya: