We are happy to announce that the official opening of the new community in Angola is the 8th of December 2024, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception of Mary.

On the 18th of September, the Institute Leadership Council met via Zoom with the Sisters missioned to Angola – Deborah Jamali, Madalena Manhiça and Rhânella Oliveira – and the Bishop of Luena, Martín Lasarte SDB, to learn more about the reality and needs of the Diocese of Luena and to agree on the next steps to be taken with regard to the new mission.
The group met for the first time on July 12, 2024, when the Sisters talked about their expectations, hopes and next steps regarding this new RSHM mission. Walking together as a community, caring for the vocation, sowing and expanding the RSHM charism in a new culture, collaborating with others in the mission of Jesus Christ are their main desires and commitments.

We ask God’s blessings and the intercession of Fr.Gailhac and M. St. Jean for Sisters Deborah, Rhânella and Madalena as they prepare for this new foundation of the Institute in Africa!