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Fourth Sunday of Lent
March 26, 2022Letter 10
March 25, 2022Hello Fr Gailhac! I am a collaborator of the Institute of the sisters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, your…
The Religious of the Sacred Heart of Mary join Pope Francis and the Church throughout the world in lifting up…
Pilgrims from Portugal
March 22, 2022Pilgrims from Portugal 26-27-28th of February 2022 Bernadette Mc Namara, Bon Pasteur, Béziers The pilgrims came from the four corners…
The spiritual meaning of the days at Béziers
March 21, 2022Carla Castanheira – from the last pilgrim group to the Mother House February 27 to March 1, 2022 Of all…
Third Sunday of Lent
March 19, 2022Message to all our Sisters, Friends and Collaborators
March 17, 2022Dear Sisters, Friends and Collaborators, we have all been shocked and distressed these past three weeks by the harrowing scenes…
Letter 9
March 14, 2022Béziers , Bon Pasteur , 2021-12-03 Dear Father Gailhac I am happy to write to tell you how privileged I…