RSHM Students in Zambia Participate in the United Nations International Day of the Girl Child

Posted October 13, 2020

“The world is home to more than 1.1 billion girls under age 18, who are poised to become the largest generation of female leaders, entrepreneurs and change-makers the world has ever seen.” “Progress for adolescent girls has not kept pace with th(e realities they face today, and COVID-19 has reinforced many of these gaps. This year, under the theme, “My Voice, Our Equal Future”, let’s seize the opportunity to be inspired by what adolescent girls see as the change they want, the solutions- big and small- they are leading and demanding across the globe.”.

Students linked to RSHM ministries in Zambia participated in the “Day of the Girl Summit” with their submissions on the theme of the day. We share some excerpts with you.



Being a girl in Zambia. . . means I have the strength and courage to face every challenge. . .refuse to be intimidated, used, belittled and burdened with voices of negativity. . .being imaginative to make the impossible possible. . . being able to reason, to find solutions to difficult situations, to be a good decision maker. . . have the stamina to to do what boys can do and to it even better! (Nataisia, Rita, and Matilda)


Being a girl means I have to know my rights. . . I have to have the courage to speak out, to promote gender equity. . . in my community when they challenge what a girl can do.  I have to say I can be a doctor, a police woman, I can do any job a man can do. . .Be creative. . . Be bold. . . Be fearless. . . Take risks in order to gain good results! (Pascalina)

Living in Zambia can mean lack of empowerment for a girl. . . lack of support unless we are supportive of one another. So being a girl means  having to be bold. Being bold means being convinced, confident, standing for my convictions, being courageous, being a voice for the voiceless. . . ensuring that everyone is respected and that justice is achieved. (Charity, Cholwe, and Mutale)

The time has come to sound the flute that’s now mute. . . to take a stand and realize beyond doubt that it’s time to rise. . . I need a society that reminds me that I can be anything I want to be. . . that reminds me that we are all equal. . . being a girl means being strong, being courageous. . . to be a very determined and focused soul that has the ability to change the world we see today. (Thabo)

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