From Decembr 27, 2017 through January 5, 2018, 14 of our newer members met in city of our founding, Béziers, France, at our Mother House for a week of immersion in RSHM history, charism, and spirituality. They came from Brazil, the United States, Zambia, Zimbabwe, and Mozambique. The program was organized and given by RSHM from our various provices and regions—Eastern American, Northern European, Mozambique, Portugal, Zambezi, as well as the Generalate in Rome. Activities included prayer, presentations, tours of our heritage sites, small group discussions, and time to get to know one another and develop bonds as “one body for mission.” Comments from participants are evidence of the impact of this meeting: “I felt welcomed as a member of the Institute, seeing that we are disciples and continue the work of our founder, Father Gailhac” (Luisa); “In the sharing with our other newer members. . . we all have the same RSHM spirit regardless of where we are” (Joanita); “I take with me the vivacity and enthusiasm that we all had, and the openness in our sharing that was good and true” (Fernanda); “I take home with me a renewal as an RSHM committed to prayer, community life and minstry” (Feliciana).
Posted February 24, 2018