In the Month of June, the Church commemorates the two Hearts, Mary’s, and Jesus’. Their veneration should lead us to contemplate the intensity of the Love that unites the Lord Jesus to his Mother and Mary to her Son.
As we celebrate our Feast of the Sacred Heart of Mary, we, RSCM and all our collaborators in Mission, wish to express our gratitude to Venerable Father Gailhac for having associated us with His Mother, and for having given us Mary as Model.
In one passage, Gailhac says that “we are invited to follow Jesus faithfully and to collaborate in His Redemptive Mission; not only that, but also to “work in the harvest of the Father of the family, who is God Himself, and whose granary is heaven, where all the elects should be gathered” (GS/23/VII/84/A).
In another letter – GS/17/07/74/A – Gailhac says: “Dear daughters, you are the daughters of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The Church has confirmed this name so beautiful and so precious to you, use it worthily. Be the daughters of Mary, the most beautiful reflection of Jesus Christ.”
I was amazed once again, as I remembered that the name, Sacred Heart of Mary, brings together all the attributes of Mary; and that the name Sacred Heart of Mary means Mary in her totality. With the help of the two hearts, which are always united, I want to be another ‘Heart of Mary’, collaborating in the Mission of the Church and the Institute, according to the present day challenges.
“Daughters of the Sacred Heart of Mary, you must be the copy of your Mother.” (GS/ 2/XI/76/A)
”You are daughters of Mary, the daughters of Her Heart. But where is the Heart of Mary? It is in the Heart of Jesus. And the Heart of Jesus, where is it? In the Heart of Mary. Therefore, they must be in the Heart of Mary with that of Jesus and in the Heart of Jesus with that of Mary.” (GS/s.d./73/c)
“To be a daughter of Mary is to be one with Jesus, to offer the newness of God to the World, making it ever more beautiful; to listen to and put into practice the calls of the Spirit, to “bring Jesus to birth in hearts.”
“It is Mary who gave us Jesus. It is through Her that all graces come to us. As long as you entrust yourself to Her, your hope will not be confounded.” (Cf. Letters – Volume I – pg19)
I rejoice to be associated with our Mother, whose purpose is to be a copy of Her and to bring Christ to birth in the heart of humanity, especially in the most fragile people, the poor, the abandoned and rejected by society.
“Mary, with Jesus, live and reign in our hearts forever”!
Mary, Model of the Institute, opens the door of her heart for us to enter and make our home; and shows us the face of Jesus Christ, who came so that all may have life, and have it abundantly.
Valeria Erneio, RSCM
Mozambican Area