Palm Sunday

Posted April 1, 2023

Palm Sunday
April 2, 2023

Jesus, taking on the condition of a servant, became like a man, humbled himself, obeying the Father to the point of death and death on a cross. Phil. 2:7-8

In this Lenten season, we are invited to live obedience like that of Jesus, faithful to his father. The message is clear: listen to the voice of God and to obey it. This message will come to us in different forms in our lives. Gailhac repeats it to us in many of his letters: “to do the will of God by loving and to love by doing the will of God”. He even places obedience as the first of the virtues that we can live. Obedience must be prompt, generous, constant, like that of Jesus Christ.

(F.G,V- IIº pg:286)

Jesus Christ goes to Jerusalem to give himself as an offering to the Father on behalf of each one of us. He suffers because of us, because of our selfishness, our lack of love for one another, our lack of forgiveness for one another.   In today’s world we suffer from: wars, cyclone, injustice, drugs, innocent bloodshed, and from temptations and challenges that surround us. It is time to walk in the footsteps of Christ, time to return to the synodal experience that calls us to open ourselves to the other. Let us work for our conversion with prayer, penance, and fasting, which is the main characteristic of this time of Lent.

As a Christian, have I lived the three Lenten recommendations: charity, prayer and fasting?

Looking at the current challenges, am I prepared to live God’s will in my life?

The life of the obedient person unfolds in joy, peace and serenity” Father Gailhac

Rosita Eugenio, RSCM


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