RSHM “JPIC” (justice, peace, and the integrity of creation) representatives from around the Institute met in Belo Horizonte, Brazil, in January 2017. They were joined by a liaison from the General Council in Rome, Italy, and the congregation’s NGO representative to the United Nations. The purpose of the meeting was to review current initiatives and to establish plans and priorities for the next three years. Issues of concern include the mass movements of migrants and refugees, climate change, violence of many kinds, widening gap in income inequality, and human trafficking. The Sustainable Development Goals signed by the 193 member states of the United Nations are a related area of focus. During their meeting, the sisters also had the opportunity to visit and see first hand the devastation caused by the Sanmarco mining disaster in Mariana in November 2015, which killed over 15 people and continues to result in the devastation of a polluted river, contaminated soil, displaced residents, and loss of livelihood.
We invite you to visit the following pages on our website: Working for Justice and RSHM at the UN for additional information.